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Your search for "balkan" found 20 items:

4 artists:

  • Almer and Nirvan: soulful Balkan duo featuring acoustic guitars and voice
  • Sherefe: Balkan and Middle Eastern Music
  • Beth Quist: electro-Balkan / Indian meets New Age.
  • Stellamara: original Balkan-Near Eastern-Medieval-Ambient-World.

    1 song:

  • "If I Were You (And You Were Me) (Balkan remix)" from "Always About You" by Chiwawa

    9 matches in artist bios:

  • Almer and Nirvan: soulful Balkan duo featuring acoustic guitars and voice
  • Kavanah: Eclectic Intense, Industrial Ethnic, Classical phrasing, Soundtrack, Cirque
  • Kitka: Eastern European women's vocal music
  • Koshanin: Piano Tales, Ancient Dreams
  • Panacea: Eastern and Western European folk music.
  • [show all 9 matches in artist bios]

    6 information pages:

  • Magnatune: Typical,!
  • Magnatune: genetically optimized
  • modern ragtime, piano, ambient, beat oriented electronic
  • Beth Quist, Mystic Crock, Colin Booth, Conway Hambone
  • Magnatune: megadeca release
  • [show all 6 information pages]

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