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Your search for "barry phillips" found 21 items:

1 artist:

  • Barry Phillips: Scandinavian folkish cello

    2 albums:

  • "Notebook" by Barry Phillips
  • "Trad" by Barry Phillips

    13 songs:

  • "OS-G-barry:phillips-1178" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "OS-G-barry:phillips-1179" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "OS-G-barry:phillips-1180" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "OS-G-barry:phillips-1181" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "086-D-barry:phillips-1169" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • [show all 13 songs]

    3 collections:

  • Loops
  • Cello
  • Holiday

    1 match in artist bios:

  • Barry Phillips: Scandinavian folkish cello

    1 information page:

  • 5 new albums at Magnatune

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