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Your search for "brad sucks" found 19 items:

1 artist:

  • Brad Sucks: brilliantly sardonic indie rock

    5 albums:

  • "CD2 Mixter Two - I Dont Know What Im Doing" by Brad Sucks
  • "Out Of It" by Brad Sucks
  • "CD1 Mixter Two - I Dont Know What Im Doing" by Brad Sucks
  • "I Dont Know What Im Doing" by Brad Sucks
  • "Guess Who's a Mess" by Brad Sucks

    3 songs:

  • "Brad Sucks - I Think I Started a Trend" from "Red Hat Summit Compilation" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "There Is No Brad Sucks - Fourstones" from "Ridin the Faders 2" by Magnatune Remixed
  • "Trashy GT (vocals by Brad Sucks and Ms Muthaphukin Vybe)" from "Chronic Dreams 2" by Four Stones

    5 collections:

  • Remix
  • Remixed by Four Stones
  • Ironic Rock
  • Indie Rock
  • Compilation

    3 matches in artist bios:

  • Rob Cosh: Music For Your Inner Ear
  • Brad Sucks: brilliantly sardonic indie rock
  • Four Stones: groove soaked ambient chill

    2 information pages:

  • Lisa DeBenedictus Remix Contest Now Open for Entries
  • Magnatune and Hana Micron Launch TunePlug Portable USB Drive With Pre-Loaded MP3 Music From Leading Independent Artists

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