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Your search for "claire" found 21 items:

1 artist:

  • Claire Fitch: ambient cellist

    4 albums:

  • "Ambiencellist" by Claire Fitch
  • "Ambiencellist Part II" by Claire Fitch
  • "Another Day" by Claire Fitch
  • "Celocity" by Claire Fitch

    2 songs:

  • "After (Claire Fitch)" from "Relaxation Spa" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Prayer for Claire" from "Autumn Monsoon" by Suzanne Teng

    8 collections:

  • Cello
  • Drone
  • Space Music
  • Compilation
  • Background Mix
  • [show all 8 collections]

    4 matches in artist bios:

  • Claire Fitch: ambient cellist
  • Middle-Earth Ensemble: sultry and percussive Mid-East fusion
  • Mountain Mirrors: moody melodic prog rock
  • Trio Dafne: delicate 17th century chansons

    2 information pages:

  • lute, hard electronic and charming indie rock
  • Sophia Marie, Claire Fitch, Intersonic Subformation

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