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Your search for "compilation" found 76 items:

1 artist:

  • Magnatune Compilation: the best music from Magnatune

    17 albums:

  • "Magnatune At The CC Salon" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Christmas Music" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Classical" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Romantic Dinner Classical Compilation" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Electronica" by Magnatune Compilation
  • [show all 17 albums]

    7 collections:

  • Compilation
  • Happy Hour
  • Christmas
  • Background Mix
  • Ironic Rock
  • [show all 7 collections]

    28 matches in artist bios:

  • Andre Rodriguez: melodic rock combining memorable melodies with thoughtful storytelling
  • Brigitte Meuwsen: positive vibe electro pop
  • Electric Frankenstein: high energy punk rock & roll
  • Eliyahu Sills: cross-cultural grooves
  • My Equinox Divine: Electropop with hints of darksynth, indie pop, and trip hop
  • [show all 28 matches in artist bios]

    23 information pages:

  • Key Attributes of Magnatune
  • Magnatune's Music Licensing Clients
  • What We Do For Our Musicians
  • Lisa DeBenedictis Remix Contest
  • 4 new albums at Magnatune
  • [show all 23 information pages]

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