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Your search for "corelli" found 36 items:

13 songs:

  • "Corelli au pied du Parnasse prie les Muses de le recevoir parmi elles Apotheose de Corelli (Francois Couperin)" from "Italy versus France" by The Bach Players
  • "Corelli charme de la bonne reception qu'on lui fait au Parnasse (Francois Couperin)" from "Italy versus France" by The Bach Players
  • "Corelli buvant a la source d'Hypocrene sa troupe continue Apotheose de Corelli (Francois Couperin)" from "Italy versus France" by The Bach Players
  • "Entouziasme de Corelli cause par les eaux d'Hypocrene Apotheose de Corelli (Francois Couperin)" from "Italy versus France" by The Bach Players
  • "Corelli apres son entouziasme s'endort et sa troupe joue le sommeil suivant Apotheose de Corelli (Francois Couperin)" from "Italy versus France" by The Bach Players
  • [show all 13 songs]

    17 collections:

  • Composer: Arcangelo Corelli
  • Composer: Bernardo Pasquini
  • Composer: Francois Couperin
  • Composer: Georg Muffat
  • Composer: Jean-Baptiste Lully
  • [show all 17 collections]

    2 matches in artist bios:

  • Cary Chow: virtuoso piano
  • Voices of Music: Lilting Renaissance & Baroque vocal interpretations

    4 information pages:

  • Classical, acoustic folk pop, Rolling Roots Folk Pop, surrealist, modern classical ambient
  • Magnatune: all over the map
  • lute, hard electronic and charming indie rock
  • Magnatune: back of the closet picks

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