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Your search for "da camera" found 32 items:

1 artist:

  • Da Camera: Celtic Renaissance/Baroque Ensemble

    2 albums:

  • "Musica da Camera" by Streicher Trio
  • "A Celtic Celebration" by Da Camera

    1 song:

  • "Sonata Prima per tromba sola - 'Capricci armonici da chiesa e da camera' - Adagio (Viviani)-Jonathan Freeman-Jonathan Freeman" from "Sonatas For Trumpet And Organ" by Jonathan Freeman-Attwood and Iain Simcock

    23 collections:

  • Organ
  • Recorder
  • Daydreaming
  • Composer: Giovanni Buonaventura Viviani
  • Classical Piano
  • [show all 23 collections]

    4 matches in artist bios:

  • Da Camera: Celtic Renaissance/Baroque Ensemble
  • Streicher Trio: classical chamber music on period instruments
  • Paolo Pavan: Urban funky jazz piano, in a sober and straightforward style
  • The Kingsbury Ensemble: masterpieces that graced the courts of Europe, played with style and passion

    1 information page:

  • High-Res Photos of our Artists for the Press

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