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Your search for "daniel estrem" found 104 items:

1 artist:

  • Daniel Estrem: colorful classical guitar

    40 albums:

  • "Debussy on Guitar and Ukulele" by Daniel Estrem
  • "Bach Harpsichord Suites on Guitar" by Daniel Estrem
  • "The Four Seasons - Vivaldi on Guitar and Ukulele" by Daniel Estrem
  • "JS Bach on 8 string guitar, vol 1" by Daniel Estrem
  • "Classical Ukulele" by Daniel Estrem
  • [show all 40 albums]

    37 collections:

  • Composer: Robert Carr
  • Composer: Ernesto Nazareth
  • Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Composer: George Frideric Handel
  • Composer: Jeremiah Lawson
  • [show all 37 collections]

    1 match in artist bios:

  • Daniel Estrem: colorful classical guitar

    25 information pages:

  • Magnatune's colorful ideas
  • Magnatune: 4 new albums, or is it 8 new albums?
  • Magnatune: back from mushroom poisoning hell
  • Magnatune: Recs, Reef, Stult, Solitude, Bach harpsichord suites on guitar
  • Magnatune: fashion, Haydn, pop, progressive rock
  • [show all 25 information pages]

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