Your search for "dark ambient" found 66 items:
2 artists:
: dark ambient with an alchemical twist
Robert Rich
: groundbreaking ambient and dark-ambient
12 collections:
World Influenced
Electro Pop
Space Music
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18 matches in artist bios:
Falling You
: haunting, ethereal pop ambient
: Melodic Dubstep and Heavy Electronic Stimulation
Soleil Vert
: composed electronic music contrasted with ambient nature
Ambient Teknology
: upbeat underground with shades of new wave
: unique blends of dub, global beats and downtempo ambient electronica
show all 18 matches in artist bios
34 information pages:
lute, hard electronic and charming indie rock
Magnatune: friendly, plays nice music
Magnatune: seven new albums
Magnatune - four exceptional albums
Magnatune: 10 new albums
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