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Your search for "edward martin" found 55 items:

4 artists:

  • Edward Martin and William Bastian: vihuela, renaissance and baroque lute
  • Edward Martin: vihuela, renaissance and baroque lute
  • Edward Martin and Thomas Walker: French lute duets that represent the pinnacle of the High Baroque
  • Edward Martin and Paul Berget: vihuela, renaissance and baroque lute

    7 albums:

  • "Luis Milan - El Maestro" by Edward Martin
  • "Les Larmes of Johannes Fresneau" by Edward Martin
  • "Virtues and Vices" by Edward Martin and William Bastian
  • "Allemande" by Edward Martin
  • "Courante" by Edward Martin and Thomas Walker
  • [show all 7 albums]

    2 songs:

  • "Edward Martin- Luis Milan Fantasia 4" from "Classical" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Edward Martin and Paul Berget- Losy Duets for 2 Lutes in a minor and F Major Courante" from "Classical" by Magnatune Compilation

    33 collections:

  • Composer: Johann Gottfried Conradi
  • Composer: David Kellner
  • Composer: Anton Logy
  • Composer: Ennemond Vieux Gaultier
  • Composer: Pierre Attaignant
  • [show all 33 collections]

    8 matches in artist bios:

  • Edward Martin and William Bastian: vihuela, renaissance and baroque lute
  • Thomas Walker: Lute music of 17th century France and Italy
  • Edward Martin and Thomas Walker: French lute duets that represent the pinnacle of the High Baroque
  • Duo Chambure: Spanish renaissance vihuela duets
  • English Ayres: traditional early English music
  • [show all 8 matches in artist bios]

    1 information page:

  • Magnatune: mostly classical and ambient, oh and intense hip hop and metal too

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