Your search for "fulton" found 21 items:
2 artists:
Sieber, Kammen and Fulton: dreamy music from the acclaimed video game Braid
Cheryl Ann Fulton: World-class performer and teacher of Medieval, Baroque, Welsh triple, Celtic and Concert harps.
5 albums:
"Music from Braid" by Sieber, Kammen and Fulton
"The Airs of Wales" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"A Harper's Holiday in Wales" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"Angelorum - The Harps in the Trees" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"The Once and Future Harp" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
2 songs:
"Quia ergo femina (Cheryl Ann Fulton based on a melody by Hildegard von Bingen)" from "Angelorum - The Harps in the Trees" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"The Chant for the Trees (Cheryl Ann Fulton - with the Angelorum Medieval Harp Choir)" from "Angelorum - The Harps in the Trees" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
5 collections:
3 matches in artist bios:
Sieber, Kammen and Fulton: dreamy music from the acclaimed video game Braid
Cheryl Ann Fulton: World-class performer and teacher of Medieval, Baroque, Welsh triple, Celtic and Concert harps.
Diana Rowan: a harpist of unusual power and beauty
4 information pages:
Magnatune: Typical, typical...music!
Magnatune over xmas
Magnatune: Indian pop fusion, flute age, harp, groovy jazz
Magnatune: lots of new xmas albums
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