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Your search for "guitar" found 555 items:

46 artists:

  • Aitua: dreamy and beautiful original compositions on classical guitar
  • The Alien Mike ET: instrumental heavy guitar wizardry
  • Andreas Almqvist: elegant classical guitar
  • AndrewPlusJohn: soulful electric guitar in a smooth and gentle landscape
  • Andy Carhart: acoustic and electronic rock guitar music with a contemplative character
  • [show all 46 artists]

    37 albums:

  • "The Furious Guitar" by The Alien Mike ET
  • "Original Instrumental Acoustic Guitar Songs Vol 1" by Antiqcool
  • "The Siena Manuscript on steel string guitar" by Paul Berget
  • "Trash Guitar Workouts" by Conway Hambone
  • "Bach Cello Suites on 8 String Guitar" by Daniel Estrem
  • [show all 37 albums]

    20 songs:

  • "Scott's Guitar" from "Debut" by AlmaNova
  • "Presto Moderato 'Moving In' from Sonata for Ukulele and Guitar (Jeremiah Lawson)" from "Estrem plays Lawson" by Daniel Estrem
  • "Maestoso 'Jury Duty' from Sonata for Ukulele and Guitar (Jeremiah Lawson)" from "Estrem plays Lawson" by Daniel Estrem
  • "Menuet and Trio 'Summer in the Park' from Sonata for Ukulele and Guitar (Jeremiah Lawson)" from "Estrem plays Lawson" by Daniel Estrem
  • "Allegro from Guitar Sonata 2 in C Major (Jeremiah Lawson)" from "Estrem plays Lawson" by Daniel Estrem
  • [show all 20 songs]

    42 collections:

  • Electric Guitar
  • Classical Guitar
  • Balkans
  • Flute
  • Folk
  • [show all 42 collections]

    267 matches in artist bios:

  • Anton Cosmo: rock superstar to be
  • Adriano Fontana: a trip with woodwinds and strings
  • Aitua: dreamy and beautiful original compositions on classical guitar
  • Ensemble Al Asdeka: spicy and hypnotic melding of Arabic and Jazz
  • The Alien Mike ET: instrumental heavy guitar wizardry
  • [show all 267 matches in artist bios]

    143 information pages:

  • Lisa DeBenedictis Remix Contest
  • Magnatune: renaissance gamba, new age cello & guitar, pop, ambient
  • Magnatune: five new albums
  • Magnatune: Dowland, world jazz, house, fingerstyle guitar
  • Magnatune: free - jingle bells on sitar and more
  • [show all 143 information pages]

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