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Your search for "hang" found 22 items:

1 artist:

  • Laura Inserra: the Hang, a new instrument from Switzerland

    3 albums:

  • "Hang" by Laura Inserra
  • "Musical Incense - volume one (Hang and Guitar Duets)" by Laura Inserra
  • "Musical Incense - volume two (Hang and Guitar Duets)" by Laura Inserra

    5 songs:

  • "Do Your Ears Hang Low" from "Grandchildren's Delight" by Daria
  • "Hang Journey" from "Hang" by Laura Inserra
  • "Improv With Two Hang" from "Hang" by Laura Inserra
  • "I'd Hang With You Everyday" from "This Impossible Love" by SHE SAID SAVE ME
  • "Hang On" from "Metafonik" by The Stroj

    6 collections:

  • Folk
  • Bass
  • Electro Rock
  • Keyboard
  • Prog Rock
  • [show all 6 collections]

    2 matches in artist bios:

  • Evgeny Bardyuzha: Russian electronica using breaks, atmosphere and chillout
  • Laura Inserra: the Hang, a new instrument from Switzerland

    5 information pages:

  • A new instrument called the Hang, Ambient, New Age and new rock
  • Magnatune: now in the espresso coffee business
  • Sophia Marie, Claire Fitch, Intersonic Subformation
  • Magnatune: world, hard electronic, new age piano
  • Magnatune: folk, world, handel, and a children's music album

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