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Your search for "hans christian" found 47 items:

1 artist:

  • Hans Christian: new age meets Indian cello

    11 albums:

  • "Cinema of Dreams" by Hans Christian
  • "Sancta Camisia" by Hans Christian
  • "Hidden Treasures" by Hans Christian
  • "All Is Well" by Hans Christian
  • "The Lake" by Hans Christian
  • [show all 11 albums]

    14 songs:

  • "OS-Ab-hans:christian-549" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "OS-Ab-hans:christian-550" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "Arabesque-Hans Christian" from "Eastern Grooves" by DJ Cary
  • "075-Eb-hans:christian-540" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "076-Ab-hans:christian-541" from "World Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • [show all 14 songs]

    18 collections:

  • Instrumental
  • Chillout
  • Remixed by Four Stones
  • Composer: Anthony Holborne
  • Arabic influenced
  • [show all 18 collections]

    1 match in artist bios:

  • Hans Christian: new age meets Indian cello

    2 information pages:

  • Magnatune: jazz, world, classical, world, rock
  • Magnatune: cabaret, harp, cello, choral, eelctronica

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