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Your search for "jan hanford" found 17 items:

1 artist:

  • Jan Hanford: solo piano

    1 album:

  • "24 Preludes for Solo Piano" by Jan Hanford

    9 songs:

  • "Jan Hanford- Prelude No 14 in D Minor" from "New Age and Jazz" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "150-C-jan:hanford-564" from "Classical Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "150-C-jan:hanford-565" from "Classical Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "150-C-jan:hanford-566" from "Classical Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • "150-C-jan:hanford-567" from "Classical Loops 1" by Loops For Licensing
  • [show all 9 songs]

    3 collections:

  • Loops
  • Compilation
  • Classical Piano

    2 matches in artist bios:

  • Human Response: melodic electronica
  • Jan Hanford: solo piano

    1 information page:

  • Magnatune Artist Phantasm wins Gramophone Early Music Award

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