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Your search for "janine johnson" found 22 items:

1 artist:

  • Janine Johnson: Harpsichord and fortepiano classics

    9 albums:

  • "Telemann Harpsichord Solos from Der Getreue Music Meister" by Janine Johnson
  • "Spain" by Janine Johnson
  • "Bach Goldberg Variations" by Janine Johnson
  • "Selections from JS Bach ClavierUbung III" by Janine Johnson
  • "Chopin Recital" by Janine Johnson
  • [show all 9 albums]

    9 collections:

  • Classical Piano
  • Composer: Dietrich Buxtehude
  • Composer: Antonio Soler
  • Composer: Frederic Chopin
  • Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
  • [show all 9 collections]

    1 match in artist bios:

  • Janine Johnson: Harpsichord and fortepiano classics

    2 information pages:

  • Magnatune's clever and cunning new releases
  • Magnatune locked up & lettin' go - new releases

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