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Your search for "love" found 673 items:

6 artists:

  • Conway Hambone: Multi-genre instrumental and vocal conquests made with love and fuzz
  • Daughters of Elvin: Medieval Songs of Love and Enchantment
  • Destiny Love: Inspirational singer/songwriter music for relaxation
  • Love Amplifier: Lose yourself in the electronic
  • Modinski: beats of love
  • [show all 6 artists]

    31 albums:

  • "For the Love of Jaqueline" by Asteria
  • "The Truth of all Love" by Ben Rusch
  • "A Little More Love" by Cary Kanno
  • "Galdrbok - Medieval Songs of Love and Enchantment" by Daughters of Elvin
  • "Earth Embodied" by Destiny Love
  • [show all 31 albums]

    258 songs:

  • "Love" from "After Hours" by AlmaNova
  • "Love Bites" from "Mojo Trippin'" by Alan Marchand
  • "Lost Love" from "Romantic Piano - R and R" by Alan Marchand
  • "In Love Again" from "She Waits" by Alan Marchand
  • "Distant Love" from "Reconnection" by Ammonite
  • [show all 258 songs]

    116 collections:

  • Balkans
  • Flute
  • Classical Guitar
  • Contemporary Piano
  • Woman Singing Electro Pop
  • [show all 116 collections]

    2 moods:

  • Friendship or platonic love
  • Love or romance

    152 matches in artist bios:

  • Anton Cosmo: rock superstar to be
  • Allen Cote: American folk music sessions with feel good vibes
  • ANDROMEDA: Dance pop power vocal diva!
  • Andy Carhart: acoustic and electronic rock guitar music with a contemplative character
  • Anthony Hugh: Singer songwriter with a little soul and grit
  • [show all 152 matches in artist bios]

    108 information pages:

  • Podcast our music!
  • What is "Open Music" ?
  • Give 3 Free Copies to Your Friends
  • How you can help
  • Magnatune's Music Licensing Clients
  • [show all 108 information pages]

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