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Your search for "passion" found 131 items:

1 artist:

  • The Kingsbury Ensemble: masterpieces that graced the courts of Europe, played with style and passion

    2 albums:

  • "Holburns Passion" by Jacob Heringman
  • "Passion, Pestilence and Polyphony" by Misericordia

    15 songs:

  • "The Passion of the Freak" from "The Furious Guitar" by The Alien Mike ET
  • "The Ocean of Passion" from "Tantrabeats 1 - The Space of the Body" by Angelight
  • "Galliard- Holburns Passion (lute) (Anthony Holborne)" from "Holburns Passion" by Jacob Heringman
  • "Passion Of Life" from "Berlin" by The Kokoon
  • "Passion" from "Timeless" by David Modica
  • [show all 15 songs]

    18 collections:

  • Chillout
  • Massage
  • Composer: Anthony Holborne
  • Lute
  • Electro Pop
  • [show all 18 collections]

    65 matches in artist bios:

  • Antonio Ciacca Quartet: Jazz played with earthiness, fire and intellect
  • Aluminum Forest: folktronic - where parallel realities from the future meet the past
  • Allen Cote: American folk music sessions with feel good vibes
  • AlmaNova: lively flute/guitar duo
  • Andy Carhart: acoustic and electronic rock guitar music with a contemplative character
  • [show all 65 matches in artist bios]

    30 information pages:

  • First Birthday Free Online Album Giveaway
  • Magnatune: renaissance gamba, new age cello & guitar, pop, ambient
  • Magnatune: 4 new albums, or is it 8 new albums?
  • Magnatune: new releases to recover from New Year's
  • Magnatune: 10 new albums
  • [show all 30 information pages]

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