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Your search for "ruben van rompaey" found 20 items:

1 artist:

  • Ruben van Rompaey: passionate Eastern percussion

    9 albums:

  • "Djembolale - Fills and Drills" by Ruben van Rompaey
  • "Eastern Expressions 5 - Amazonia" by Ruben van Rompaey
  • "Eastern Expressions" by Ruben van Rompaey
  • "Mozaic" by Ruben van Rompaey
  • "Eastern Expressions 4 - Mirage" by Ruben van Rompaey
  • [show all 9 albums]

    4 collections:

  • World Influenced
  • Instrumental
  • Indian Influenced
  • Arabic influenced

    2 matches in artist bios:

  • Ruben van Rompaey: passionate Eastern percussion
  • Un-Kai: super sonic sound adventures

    4 information pages:

  • Artemis, Ruben van Rompaey, Conway Hambone and Terracotta Blue
  • Magnatune: indian, arabic, baroque, instrumental folk guitar, opera hybrid
  • Magnatune: seven new albums
  • Magnatune - 5 new albums

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