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Your search for "vito paternoster" found 73 items:

1 artist:

  • Vito Paternoster: cellist extraordinaire

    22 albums:

  • "Pasquale Pericoli - Sei Sonate a Violoncello e basso" by Vito Paternoster
  • "The Chinese Four Seasons and the Korean Four Seasons" by Vito Paternoster
  • "David Popper, 40 Etudes Op 73" by Vito Paternoster
  • "George Philipp Telemann 12 Fantasie, Sonata" by Vito Paternoster
  • "Le 9 sonate per violoncello solo e continuo" by Vito Paternoster
  • [show all 22 albums]

    3 songs:

  • "Vito Paternoster romanza per pianoforte" from "Vito Paternoster Plays Cello - The Music from the Lockdown" by Vito Paternoster
  • "Vito Paternoster- JS Bach Partita Terza in La maggiore Preludio (allegro)" from "Classical" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Vito Paternoster - Suite VI in Re Magiore (JS Bach)" from "Romantic Dinner Classical Compilation" by Magnatune Compilation

    33 collections:

  • Composer: Filippo Martino
  • Background Mix
  • Composer: Francesco Geminiani
  • Classical Piano
  • Composer: Francesco Paolo Scipriani
  • [show all 33 collections]

    1 match in artist bios:

  • Vito Paternoster: cellist extraordinaire

    13 information pages:

  • Magnatune: new iphone apps, how to write a press release, 5 new albums
  • Cello, Electronic, Banjo, cross genre Instrumental
  • Magnatune: five albums
  • Cello, blues, dub, fusion
  • Magnatune: between old and new
  • [show all 13 information pages]

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