Your search for "baroque" found 11 items:
11 albums:
Mozart 4 Quartets for Strings and Winds
" by
American Baroque
Dances and Suites of Rameau and Couperin
" by
American Baroque
The Four Seasons by Vivaldi
" by
American Baroque
Baroque Concertos on 8 String Guitar
" by
Daniel Estrem
Elegance and Refinement - Baroque Suites, French Sweets
" by
Ivan Ilic
Baroque Works for Horn and Organ
" by
Louis Larouche
Baroque Lute Duets
" by
Edward Martin and Paul Berget
Deux Grands Maitres de l'Ecriture pour le Luth Baroque et le Theorbe
" by
Mauricio Buraglia
Promenade en Europe Luth Baroque
" by
Mauricio Buraglia
A Baroque Mosaic
" by
The Sarasa Ensemble
Italian Baroque Music for Archlute
" by
Francesca Torelli
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