Your search for "greek" found 12 items:
12 matches in artist bios:
Fernwood: Music played by hand on instruments made of wood
Ireen Thomas: Lute sonatas from Mozart's time
Jeremy Moyer: Erhu music bridging Eastern, Western, Contemporary and Folk traditions
Kitka: Eastern European women's vocal music
Kato Kahra: a world of independent music with electronic spice
Magic Carpet: discover a rich tapestry of world grooves
Sherefe: Balkan and Middle Eastern Music
Mijo: catchy electronic music dosed with world influences
Sensor II: catchy crossover between big beat, chillout and electronica dosed with industrial and oriental influences
Stellamara: original Balkan-Near Eastern-Medieval-Ambient-World.
Teslim: Original and traditional acoustic string music with Turkish, Middle Eastern and Sephardic influences.
Zhaba: psychedelic power meets hypnotic Bulgarian rhythms
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