Your search for "celtic" found 10 items:
10 artists:
The Celtic Reggae Revolution: Saint Patrick was Jamaican! Reggae's Irish Connections
Da Camera: Celtic Renaissance/Baroque Ensemble
Erik Ask Upmark: Scandinavian music on the Celtic harp
Shira Kammen: early folk and celtic music.
Cheryl Ann Fulton: World-class performer and teacher of Medieval, Baroque, Welsh triple, Celtic and Concert harps.
Lisa Lynne: Inspirational, uplifting, gentle, and soothing Celtic harp, World flutes, guitar and more.
Lisa Lynne and George Tortorelli: Celtic harp and bamboo flutes. Soft and soothing, perfect for quiet times and relaxation
Kammen and Swan: a bright edge to traditional Celtic tunes
Minstrel Spirit: medieval, celtic, classical, pop, folk inspired music
Svanevit: Scandinavian music on the Celtic harp
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