Magnatune : we are not evil Free trial: only \$15 per month
Your search for "hip hop" found 42 items:

42 information pages:

  • Artemis, Ruben van Rompaey, Conway Hambone and Terracotta Blue
  • Cello explorations, electro-chill, renaissance lute, energetic electro-rock
  • ambient, new age, electronic, alt rock
  • Magnatune: Bach, Funk, Ethereal Rock
  • Magnatune: seven new albums
  • elecro chill-pop-hip-hop & Nujazz
  • Magnatune: seven new albums in varied genres
  • 4 new albums at Magnatune
  • world flute, pianoforte, Jazzy kaleidoscopes, beats
  • Magnatune: jazz, classical, electronica releases
  • Magnatune: all over the map
  • Cello, Beats, Rock & New Age
  • Magnatune: open music inside
  • Indian winds, Nu jazz, post-rock, cross-genre
  • 5/29: Mystick Crock, Maurice &co, Jake Bradford Sharp, Dubmaster Conte, Cozmikbeats
  • Magnatune: world, hard electronic, new age piano
  • Magnatune: five new albums for 2015
  • Magnatune's colorful ideas
  • Magnatune: world funk, lute, chill, lush downtempo
  • Magnatune: back of the closet picks
  • Magnatune: Monom, Mokhov, Shoskes, Findon & more
  • Magnatune: Monom, Mokhov, Shoskes, Findon & more
  • 4 new albums at Magnatune
  • Chill, Broken Poets, funky jazz, electro pop fusion
  • Magnatune box of all sorts
  • Magnatune: a typically unusual mix of genres
  • Dubstep, NuJazz, Chill
  • Magnatune: mostly classical and ambient, oh and intense hip hop and metal too
  • Magnatune: five more new albums
  • Magnatune: 2 flute albums and 2 funky hip hop influenced
  • modern ragtime, ambient, electrochill
  • Magnatune: five albums
  • Magnatune: Life is good...with music!
  • Magnatune: indian, arabic, baroque, instrumental folk guitar, opera hybrid
  • Magnatune: 10 more new albums in classical, new age, electronic and more
  • Magnatune: lute, ironic and straight jazz, classic ambient, global folk,
  • Magnatune: jazz, world, classical, world, rock
  • chill, elating, fuzzy
  • Magnatune: Indian pop fusion, flute age, harp, groovy jazz
  • Magnatune: sax, funk, Bach, laid-back
  • Magnatune: Firesphere, Bella Gaia, Hambone, Cozmikbeats
  • Cello explorations, electro-chill, renaissance lute, energetic electro-rock

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