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Your search for "love" found 258 items:

258 songs:

  • "Love" from "After Hours" by AlmaNova
  • "Love Bites" from "Mojo Trippin'" by Alan Marchand
  • "Lost Love" from "Romantic Piano - R and R" by Alan Marchand
  • "In Love Again" from "She Waits" by Alan Marchand
  • "Distant Love" from "Reconnection" by Ammonite
  • "I Love You (Ya Lublu Tebya) (feat Tim Hazanov)" from "Dream Girl" by ANDROMEDA
  • "Long night of love" from "Intimland Part 1 - Touch" by Angelight
  • "More than Love" from "Intimland Part 3 - Penetration" by Angelight
  • "Love island" from "Intimland Part 2 - Feeling" by Angelight
  • "Light of my love" from "Intimland Part 2 - Feeling" by Angelight
  • "Breathe With Your Love" from "Open Heart (Tantric Breath)" by Angelight
  • "Warriors of Love" from "Open Heart (Tantric Breath)" by Angelight
  • "He Should Love Her" from "Little Palaces" by Greg Annussek
  • "Love Light" from "Original Instrumental Acoustic Guitar Songs Vol 1" by Antiqcool
  • "The Love Supreme" from "Original Instrumental Acoustic Guitar Songs Vol 1" by Antiqcool
  • "Inside My Love" from "Now and Then" by Antiqcool
  • "Love Light" from "Now and Then" by Antiqcool
  • "Love of the Game" from "Sephyra" by Artemis
  • "Give Your Love" from "Magic Season" by Ash Ganley
  • "Only Love" from "Universe Acceptable" by Ash Ganley
  • "Love in Grey" from "Alpha and Oranges" by Atomic Opera
  • "Love You" from "Summer Savage" by Barks and Crock
  • "Love You (Maximum Pop)" from "Summer Savage" by Barks and Crock
  • "Lost in Love" from "The Shapes That Shift Us" by Brad Senne
  • "Born To Love You (live)" from "Strange Phenomena" by Big Bad Sun
  • "Love Amore Liebe (Hippest Guy) (feat Kid Afrika and Jaalleb)" from "Pfff" by Brigitte Meuwsen
  • "I Feel The Love" from "Now is The Time" by The Bots
  • "Never Fall In Love" from "Truth_" by The Bots
  • "Where Has Our Love Gone" from "Truth_" by The Bots
  • "Give Me Love" from "and the Mood Swings" by Norine Braun
  • "Give Me Love" from "Crow" by Norine Braun
  • "Love and Not Fear" from "Modern Anguish" by Norine Braun
  • "Love 'em an' Leave 'em" from "The More I Want, The More I Get" by Breaker
  • "Love 'em an' Leave 'em (instrumental)" from "The More I Want, The More I Get (instrumental)" by Breaker
  • "Love for What's Real" from "Everything in Nature" by Broken Poets
  • "Say You Don't Love Me" from "Optimism in E minor" by Broken Poets
  • "I will Love you for a Long Time because you're Holy" from "The Truth of all Love" by Ben Rusch
  • "The Truth of all Love" from "The Truth of all Love" by Ben Rusch
  • "In the 60's (love was cool)" from "The Art of Not Blending In" by Burnshee Thornside
  • "Love U like a train" from "The Art of Not Blending In" by Burnshee Thornside
  • "Miss Your Love Forever (featuring Lilling)" from "Rock This Moon" by Burnshee Thornside
  • "Memories Of Love" from "Impressions" by Carlos Schwarz
  • "A Little More Love" from "A Little More Love" by Cary Kanno
  • "Sunshine Love" from "Wonderland" by Cary Kanno
  • "I Know a Love So True and Fair" from "The Space Between" by Chad Lawson
  • "A Love Is Born" from "The Space Between" by Chad Lawson
  • "Love's Got Heart (Lova remix)" from "Always About You" by Chiwawa
  • "Somebody To Love (RB remix)" from "Always About You" by Chiwawa
  • "Love's Got Heart" from "Bright" by Chiwawa
  • "Love On My Mind" from "Bus Stop Chinese Buffet" by Chiwawa
  • "Love" from "Watermark" by Chiwawa
  • "Love memories" from "Digital Warfare" by Cozmikbeats
  • "Love memories" from "Funk Fusion Vol 2" by Cozmikbeats
  • "I've Known Love" from "Caught Between Summers" by Connor Thuotte
  • "Coco Ho A Love Song" from "Sunblind" by Connor Thuotte
  • "Love Theme 2013" from "XX Anniversary" by Daniel Bautista
  • "Love Bird (featuring Lisa DeBenedictis) by callmeyang" from "Mixter One" by Lisa DeBenedictis
  • "You Ain't Got My Love" from "Deep Winter 2014" by Deep Winter
  • "Man I Love" from "Home in the Light" by Destiny Love
  • "Tales of Love" from "Monkey Town" by Dixie Cannon
  • "About Love" from "About Love" by Dmitry Krasnoukhov
  • "Love" from "The Angel Birth" by Dmitry Krasnoukhov
  • "Love Song" from "Drops of Rainbow" by Dmitry Krasnoukhov
  • "Nothing Better Than Your Love" from "All Directions" by The Donnis Trio
  • "You Think We're In Love" from "Seeing Red" by doublethink
  • "My Love Hath Vowed (Thomas Campion)" from "Patrons of the Lute" by Daniel Shoskes
  • "Drifting with Love" from "Sonic Reflections" by Dubmaster Conte
  • "Come Again Sweet Love Doth Now Invite (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
  • "Say Love if Ever Thou Didst Find (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
  • "Tell Me True Love (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
  • "Tell Me Dearest What Is Love (Robert Johnson)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
  • "Awake Sweet Love (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
  • "Tell Me O Love (Alfonso Ferrabosco II)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
  • "Come hither you that love (Robert Johnson:John Wilson)" from "The Laughing Cavalier" by English Ayres
  • "How should I your true love know Walsingham (anon 16th century)" from "I sing of a maiden that matchless is" by English Ayres
  • "In love and miserable at 3:00 AM" from "The Depths of a Year" by Ehren Starks
  • "New Year's Love" from "Lines Build Walls" by Ehren Starks
  • "For Your Love (i Would Do Anything)" from "The New Art Of Urban Flamenco" by Eric Kamen
  • "Painful Love" from "The New Art Of Urban Flamenco" by Eric Kamen
  • "Love" from "Orpheus" by Federico Moscogiuri
  • "My love is like a red red rose" from "A Celebration of Robert Burns" by Shira Kammen
  • "Lost Love" from "All the Days Have Gone Away" by Firehead Jerry
  • "My Lagan Love" from "Weaving Worlds" by Aryeh Frankfurter and Lisa Lynne
  • "Gruffydd's Delight - The Allurement of Love" from "The Airs of Wales" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
  • "Allurement of Love name of a District Margaret's Daughter The March of the Men of Harlech" from "A Harper's Holiday in Wales" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
  • "Love - Light" from "The Once and Future Harp" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
  • "Break Me My Love" from "Devastate the Details" by FUR
  • "Break Me My Love (instrumental)" from "Devastate the Details Instrumental" by FUR
  • "Hard Love" from "Under the Same Sun" by Mr Gelatine
  • "Graffiti Gun Love (ft Monogatari)" from "Under the Same Sun" by Mr Gelatine
  • "a) In a Garden So Green b) Joy to the person of my love (16th century Scottish)" from "Garden of Healing" by Healing Muses
  • "Falling In Love" from "Rumi Symphony" by Hans Christian
  • "Falling In Love (instrumental)" from "Rumi Symphony (instrumental)" by Hans Christian
  • "Darker Side of Love" from "Echoes of Autumn" by Shawn Harris
  • "Only Love Can Bring" from "Battle Call" by Shawn Harris
  • "Valley of love" from "Immersion" by Hector Mukomol
  • "O What it is to Love (anon)" from "Blame Not My Lute" by Jacob Heringman
  • "Lightlie Love Ladies (anon)" from "Blame Not My Lute" by Jacob Heringman
  • "I Want Your Love" from "Shadow" by Russ Hopkins
  • "Sweet Love" from "Six" by Russ Hopkins
  • "Your Love Is Blind" from "Tin Can" by Russ Hopkins
  • "This Is Not A Love Song" from "Axioms" by Icicle
  • "Love" from "Silence" by Icicle
  • "Soldier of Love" from "In Life" by Idlemine
  • "I Guess it's Love" from "One Life Left" by Iordache
  • "For Love" from "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Jackal and Wolf
  • "Ethereal Love" from "Heartstrings, Call of the Harp" by Joel Bruce Wallach
  • "I Love" from "The One The You Loved" by Jeromy Darling
  • "To Radiate Love" from "Piano Colors" by Joachim Heimbaecher
  • "Indefinite Love" from "Piano Colors" by Joachim Heimbaecher
  • "We Did It For Love (remastered)" from "Scratch" by Jive Ass Sleepers
  • "Love Can Find A Way" from "JH" by Johnny House
  • "Waiting For Someone To Love" from "Nevada Winds" by Jerry Palmer
  • "Love Dog" from "Big Bad Sun" by Big Bad Sun
  • "When love greets you" from "Prospects" by Chris Juergensen
  • "Sleeping I Dreamed Love" from "Parlour Cornet Solos" by Julia Findon
  • "A Life of Love" from "Add Viola and Stir" by Katrina Wreede
  • "Free Love" from "Bullfrog" by Kettleblack
  • "Dog Shit and Puppy Love" from "Kettleblack" by Kettleblack
  • "Dog Shit and Puppy Love (instrumental)" from "Kettleblack (instrumental)" by Kettleblack
  • "Gator Love" from "Kaila Flexer and Friends, Original Music Inspired by Far-Flung Fiddle Traditions" by Kaila Flexer
  • "I'd Love to go on" from "No 3" by The Kokoon
  • "True Love" from "Hope" by Kendra Springer
  • "Gypsy Love" from "Hands Down" by Kyven
  • "City Love" from "Hands Down" by Kyven
  • "Higher Love (Full)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
  • "Higher Love (Radio)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
  • "Higher Love (Extended)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
  • "Higher Love (Instrumental)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
  • "Fight For Your Love" from "Summer 2014" by Kyven
  • "Stronger Love" from "Summer 2014" by Kyven
  • "Love Too Serious" from "Play Loud" by Lilly Wolf
  • "Love not fear (live)" from "The Green EP" by Liquid Rainbow
  • "Robot Love" from "The Indigo EP" by Liquid Rainbow
  • "Love Not Fear" from "Landscapes and Treasures" by Liquid Rainbow
  • "Living in Love" from "Hope and Dreams" by Lisa Lynne
  • "Light Of Love" from "Life is but a Dream" by Lisa Lynne
  • "Long for Love" from "New Morning" by Lisa Lynne
  • "Love and you and I" from "Love and you and I" by Lizzi
  • "I Will Give My Love An Apple" from "ForeignLander" by Lydia McCauley
  • "Fi Love" from "Can We Not Care" by Love Amplifier
  • "Fall In Love Wrong" from "What We Whisper" by Jeffrey Luck Lucas
  • "Spanish Love-Luke Gartner" from "Rouges and Lovers" by Luke Gartner-Brereton
  • "A Dream of New Love-Luke Gartner" from "Rouges and Lovers" by Luke Gartner-Brereton
  • "S-Love" from "LVX Nova" by LVX Nova
  • "Your Love Makes Me Beautiful" from "Return" by Linda Wood
  • "Monoide: First love" from "Electronica" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "Breath of Love (Suzanne Teng)" from "Music for Meditation" by Magnatune Compilation
  • "From Love 2 (Wicked Allstars)" from "Power Synths" by DJ Cary
  • "Love on Wheels" from "The Seventh Mirror" by Mandrake Root
  • "It's Your Sweet Love" from "An Evening With The Blues" by Mark Cook
  • "Demon of Love" from "Evolution of the Mind" by DJ Markitos
  • "Love Peace and Ecstasy" from "Inside Your Dreams" by DJ Markitos
  • "Analogue Love" from "Sequences of Life" by DJ Markitos
  • "Love Peace and Ecstasy (138 BPM Remix)" from "Slower Emotions-138 BPM Remixes" by DJ Markitos
  • "Come again- sweet love doth now invite (John Dowland)" from "Virtues and Vices" by Edward Martin and William Bastian
  • "Come again sweet love (John Dowland)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
  • "To ask for all thy love (John Dowland)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
  • "With my love my life was nestled (Thomas Morley)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
  • "What then is love but mourning (Philip Rosseter)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
  • "The seeds of love (trad)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
  • "My Love Hath Vowed (Thomas Campion)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake - music only" by Jeni Melia
  • "Can Love Be Controlled By Advice (John Gay Henry Purcell)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake - music only" by Jeni Melia
  • "My Love Hath Vowed (Thomas Campion)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
  • "Can Love Be Controlled By Advice (John Gay - Henry Purcell)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
  • "Love A Child (Wroth)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
  • "Say Love If Ever (John Dowland)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
  • "Come Away Come Sweet Love (John Dowland)" from "The Lost Art of Wooing" by Jeni Melia
  • "Shall I Come Sweet Love To Thee (Thomas Campion)" from "The Lost Art of Wooing" by Jeni Melia
  • "Stark Love" from "Mercy Machine" by Mercy Machine
  • "Easy to Love" from "Look for the Sunshine" by Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
  • "Love Me All the Time" from "TGIF" by Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
  • "Love These Blues" from "Time for Messin Around" by Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
  • "She Knows I Love Her" from "My Heart Is A Castle" by David Modica
  • "Love Knocks Gently" from "The Water is Wide" by David Modica
  • "About How Everything is Always Mixed on Love" from "Poems" by Mogilalia
  • "Love Above" from "Euphoric Magic" by Mokhov
  • "Echo Love" from "Future Hope" by Mokhov
  • "Love Gravity" from "Future Hope" by Mokhov
  • "Flicker of Love" from "Halcyon Days" by Mokhov
  • "Love Shine" from "Magic Times" by Mokhov
  • "Love Love Revolution" from "Massive Love" by Mokhov
  • "Super Love Gravity" from "Massive Love" by Mokhov
  • "Love Glow" from "Perfect Dream" by Mokhov
  • "Love Rising" from "Perfect Dream" by Mokhov
  • "First Love" from "Zeitpunkt" by Monoide
  • "One Year After First Love" from "Zeitpunkt" by Monoide
  • "One Love" from "Infomusication" by MRDC
  • "Write Me A Love Song" from "LA Can Wait" by Michael Tiernan
  • "Love and Commitment" from "Spaces" by Michael Tiernan
  • "Jaus of Love" from "Mutandina" by Mutandina
  • "Love Me" from "Disco Drama" by Neurobic
  • "Love Me (Alternative Mix)" from "Disco Drama" by Neurobic
  • "Logical Love" from "Guitar Music II" by Nigel Martin
  • "Learning Love" from "Recs" by Nathan Mathes
  • "Your Love Will Set Me Right" from "Roselawn" by Nathan Mathes
  • "Maybe We're In Love" from "Roselawn" by Nathan Mathes
  • "Tell Me How Much You Love Me" from "Roselawn" by Nathan Mathes
  • "I'm Your Little Love Bug" from "Richmond Motel Room 3" by Ninety Pounds of Ugly
  • "Makin' Love Easy" from "Music Elevator" by OTiS
  • "After Making Love" from "A Different Story" by Panic Ensemble
  • "Love Soup" from "Panic Ensemble" by Panic Ensemble
  • "Suspicious Love" from "3 Plus 5" by Park St Trio
  • "Come again sweeet love doth now invite (John Dowland)" from "English Renaissance Music" by La Primavera
  • "When Will Love Find Me" from "Driven" by The Ranchhands
  • "I Love Leonard Cohen" from "More Than Today" by Robin Grey
  • "I Love Leonard Cohen" from "Strangers With Shoes" by Robin Grey
  • "The Love Set- Yo m'enamori d'un aire:Buciumeana:The Wedding Song" from "Panta Rhei - Celtic and Mediterranean Music for Harp" by Diana Rowan
  • "Obligatory Love Song" from "Life Amongst the Static" by Robert Scott King
  • "Whales Love Song" from "Long Snows Moon" by Ryo Utasato
  • "Rising In Love" from "Seven Waves of Knowing" by Sambodhi Prem
  • "The Love Who Spied Me" from "Dive Volume 1" by Sandeep Bhandari
  • "Code Red Love Is Dead" from "Ramifications" by Seismic Anamoly
  • "Love Your Way" from "Coalizione del Volere" by The Seldon Plan
  • "Love Again" from "Making Circles" by The Seldon Plan
  • "I Had to Kill All I Love" from "Happiness Hurts Me" by Self Delusion
  • "If Music Be The Food Of Love (Henry Purcell)" from "Delicatessen" by Kate Semmens and Steven Devine
  • "Vampires Love" from "Transition" by Shino
  • "Tree Of Love" from "Second Sight" by Jami Sieber
  • "A Love Song for Humanity" from "Timeless_" by Jami Sieber
  • "Love's heavy burden" from "Romeo and Juliet" by SJ Pettersson
  • "What love can do" from "Romeo and Juliet" by SJ Pettersson
  • "Devil in Love" from "Flare" by Solar Cycle
  • "Polar Love" from "Sunlight" by Solar Cycle
  • "Love Drum" from "Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party" by Spoons
  • "Unpremeditated Love" from "Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party" by Spoons
  • "Love Can Be A Stranger" from "Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party" by Spoons
  • "No Love" from "Raptor" by SHE SAID SAVE ME
  • "This Impossible Love" from "This Impossible Love" by SHE SAID SAVE ME
  • "Love" from "Near You Always" by Sterling
  • "Love Song" from "Brave New World" by Sterling
  • "My Love Gave Me An Apple" from "Sitting on the windowsill of Heaven - Celia Harper" by Sulis
  • "Love Saves" from "Give Me a Perfect World" by Sun Palace
  • "O Leave Novils Ye Mauchline Belles My Love She's But A Lassie Yet" from "Between Late and Early - Romantic Songs of Robert Burns (1759-1796)" by Susan Rode Morris
  • "Love in their little veins inspires (from Timon of Athens) aria Z6323 (Henry Purcell)" from "Ohhh Henry! - Songs of Henry Purcell" by Susan Rode Morris
  • "Breath of Love" from "Enchanted Wind" by Suzanne Teng
  • "Lhasa Love" from "Mystic Journey" by Suzanne Teng
  • "Share Some Love" from "Tokyo507" by Tokyo507
  • "Tapestry of Love" from "Tokyo507" by Tokyo507
  • "Share Some Love (instrumental)" from "Tokyo507 Instrumental" by Tokyo507
  • "A Fool in Love" from "Empty Man" by Tom Paul
  • "When I Think about Love" from "It's Only Tuesday" by Tom Paul
  • "Show Love" from "Fading Blue" by Tonethief
  • "For Your Love" from "Ohio Sessions, July to September" by The Town Monster
  • "Love Sweet Love" from "Goin' My Way" by Ty Gibson
  • "Magic of Love" from "Mystical Spirit" by Vasily Boykov
  • "Love redux" from "Versions" by Version
  • "Smell of Love" from "Evil Must Die" by My Woshin Mashin
  • "My Love Looks the Other Way" from "Bitter Circus" by William Brooks
  • "A Boy Outta Love" from "Fowl Mouth" by William Brooks
  • "From Love 2" from "Dark Clouds" by Wicked Allstars
  • "If Love's a Sweet Passion (from The Fairy Queen) (Henry Purcell arr J Jeffrey)" from "Fairest Isle" by Wildcat Viols
  • "If Love Finds Me" from "Dusty Porch" by John Williams
  • "Frozen Love" from "Cyst" by The Wretch
  • "I'm In Love" from "Moonrise" by Yongen
  • "Love Song in G" from "Handshake Smiles" by Arthur Yoria
  • "Graveyard of Love (instrumental)" from "The Young Werewolves (Instrumental)" by The Young Werewolves
  • "Graveyard of Love" from "The Young Werewolves" by The Young Werewolves

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