Your search for "love" found 258 items:
258 songs:
"Love" from "After Hours" by AlmaNova
"Love Bites" from "Mojo Trippin'" by Alan Marchand
"Lost Love" from "Romantic Piano - R and R" by Alan Marchand
"In Love Again" from "She Waits" by Alan Marchand
"Distant Love" from "Reconnection" by Ammonite
"I Love You (Ya Lublu Tebya) (feat Tim Hazanov)" from "Dream Girl" by ANDROMEDA
"Long night of love" from "Intimland Part 1 - Touch" by Angelight
"More than Love" from "Intimland Part 3 - Penetration" by Angelight
"Love island" from "Intimland Part 2 - Feeling" by Angelight
"Light of my love" from "Intimland Part 2 - Feeling" by Angelight
"Breathe With Your Love" from "Open Heart (Tantric Breath)" by Angelight
"Warriors of Love" from "Open Heart (Tantric Breath)" by Angelight
"He Should Love Her" from "Little Palaces" by Greg Annussek
"Love Light" from "Original Instrumental Acoustic Guitar Songs Vol 1" by Antiqcool
"The Love Supreme" from "Original Instrumental Acoustic Guitar Songs Vol 1" by Antiqcool
"Inside My Love" from "Now and Then" by Antiqcool
"Love Light" from "Now and Then" by Antiqcool
"Love of the Game" from "Sephyra" by Artemis
"Give Your Love" from "Magic Season" by Ash Ganley
"Only Love" from "Universe Acceptable" by Ash Ganley
"Love in Grey" from "Alpha and Oranges" by Atomic Opera
"Love You" from "Summer Savage" by Barks and Crock
"Love You (Maximum Pop)" from "Summer Savage" by Barks and Crock
"Lost in Love" from "The Shapes That Shift Us" by Brad Senne
"Born To Love You (live)" from "Strange Phenomena" by Big Bad Sun
"Love Amore Liebe (Hippest Guy) (feat Kid Afrika and Jaalleb)" from "Pfff" by Brigitte Meuwsen
"I Feel The Love" from "Now is The Time" by The Bots
"Never Fall In Love" from "Truth_" by The Bots
"Where Has Our Love Gone" from "Truth_" by The Bots
"Give Me Love" from "and the Mood Swings" by Norine Braun
"Give Me Love" from "Crow" by Norine Braun
"Love and Not Fear" from "Modern Anguish" by Norine Braun
"Love 'em an' Leave 'em" from "The More I Want, The More I Get" by Breaker
"Love 'em an' Leave 'em (instrumental)" from "The More I Want, The More I Get (instrumental)" by Breaker
"Love for What's Real" from "Everything in Nature" by Broken Poets
"Say You Don't Love Me" from "Optimism in E minor" by Broken Poets
"I will Love you for a Long Time because you're Holy" from "The Truth of all Love" by Ben Rusch
"The Truth of all Love" from "The Truth of all Love" by Ben Rusch
"In the 60's (love was cool)" from "The Art of Not Blending In" by Burnshee Thornside
"Love U like a train" from "The Art of Not Blending In" by Burnshee Thornside
"Miss Your Love Forever (featuring Lilling)" from "Rock This Moon" by Burnshee Thornside
"Memories Of Love" from "Impressions" by Carlos Schwarz
"A Little More Love" from "A Little More Love" by Cary Kanno
"Sunshine Love" from "Wonderland" by Cary Kanno
"I Know a Love So True and Fair" from "The Space Between" by Chad Lawson
"A Love Is Born" from "The Space Between" by Chad Lawson
"Love's Got Heart (Lova remix)" from "Always About You" by Chiwawa
"Somebody To Love (RB remix)" from "Always About You" by Chiwawa
"Love's Got Heart" from "Bright" by Chiwawa
"Love On My Mind" from "Bus Stop Chinese Buffet" by Chiwawa
"Love" from "Watermark" by Chiwawa
"Love memories" from "Digital Warfare" by Cozmikbeats
"Love memories" from "Funk Fusion Vol 2" by Cozmikbeats
"I've Known Love" from "Caught Between Summers" by Connor Thuotte
"Coco Ho A Love Song" from "Sunblind" by Connor Thuotte
"Love Theme 2013" from "XX Anniversary" by Daniel Bautista
"Love Bird (featuring Lisa DeBenedictis) by callmeyang" from "Mixter One" by Lisa DeBenedictis
"You Ain't Got My Love" from "Deep Winter 2014" by Deep Winter
"Man I Love" from "Home in the Light" by Destiny Love
"Tales of Love" from "Monkey Town" by Dixie Cannon
"About Love" from "About Love" by Dmitry Krasnoukhov
"Love" from "The Angel Birth" by Dmitry Krasnoukhov
"Love Song" from "Drops of Rainbow" by Dmitry Krasnoukhov
"Nothing Better Than Your Love" from "All Directions" by The Donnis Trio
"You Think We're In Love" from "Seeing Red" by doublethink
"My Love Hath Vowed (Thomas Campion)" from "Patrons of the Lute" by Daniel Shoskes
"Drifting with Love" from "Sonic Reflections" by Dubmaster Conte
"Come Again Sweet Love Doth Now Invite (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
"Say Love if Ever Thou Didst Find (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
"Tell Me True Love (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
"Tell Me Dearest What Is Love (Robert Johnson)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
"Awake Sweet Love (John Dowland)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
"Tell Me O Love (Alfonso Ferrabosco II)" from "Dowland's Dialogues, Volume One" by English Ayres
"Come hither you that love (Robert Johnson:John Wilson)" from "The Laughing Cavalier" by English Ayres
"How should I your true love know Walsingham (anon 16th century)" from "I sing of a maiden that matchless is" by English Ayres
"In love and miserable at 3:00 AM" from "The Depths of a Year" by Ehren Starks
"New Year's Love" from "Lines Build Walls" by Ehren Starks
"For Your Love (i Would Do Anything)" from "The New Art Of Urban Flamenco" by Eric Kamen
"Painful Love" from "The New Art Of Urban Flamenco" by Eric Kamen
"Love" from "Orpheus" by Federico Moscogiuri
"My love is like a red red rose" from "A Celebration of Robert Burns" by Shira Kammen
"Lost Love" from "All the Days Have Gone Away" by Firehead Jerry
"My Lagan Love" from "Weaving Worlds" by Aryeh Frankfurter and Lisa Lynne
"Gruffydd's Delight - The Allurement of Love" from "The Airs of Wales" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"Allurement of Love name of a District Margaret's Daughter The March of the Men of Harlech" from "A Harper's Holiday in Wales" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"Love - Light" from "The Once and Future Harp" by Cheryl Ann Fulton
"Break Me My Love" from "Devastate the Details" by FUR
"Break Me My Love (instrumental)" from "Devastate the Details Instrumental" by FUR
"Hard Love" from "Under the Same Sun" by Mr Gelatine
"Graffiti Gun Love (ft Monogatari)" from "Under the Same Sun" by Mr Gelatine
"a) In a Garden So Green b) Joy to the person of my love (16th century Scottish)" from "Garden of Healing" by Healing Muses
"Falling In Love" from "Rumi Symphony" by Hans Christian
"Falling In Love (instrumental)" from "Rumi Symphony (instrumental)" by Hans Christian
"Darker Side of Love" from "Echoes of Autumn" by Shawn Harris
"Only Love Can Bring" from "Battle Call" by Shawn Harris
"Valley of love" from "Immersion" by Hector Mukomol
"O What it is to Love (anon)" from "Blame Not My Lute" by Jacob Heringman
"Lightlie Love Ladies (anon)" from "Blame Not My Lute" by Jacob Heringman
"I Want Your Love" from "Shadow" by Russ Hopkins
"Sweet Love" from "Six" by Russ Hopkins
"Your Love Is Blind" from "Tin Can" by Russ Hopkins
"This Is Not A Love Song" from "Axioms" by Icicle
"Love" from "Silence" by Icicle
"Soldier of Love" from "In Life" by Idlemine
"I Guess it's Love" from "One Life Left" by Iordache
"For Love" from "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Jackal and Wolf
"Ethereal Love" from "Heartstrings, Call of the Harp" by Joel Bruce Wallach
"I Love" from "The One The You Loved" by Jeromy Darling
"To Radiate Love" from "Piano Colors" by Joachim Heimbaecher
"Indefinite Love" from "Piano Colors" by Joachim Heimbaecher
"We Did It For Love (remastered)" from "Scratch" by Jive Ass Sleepers
"Love Can Find A Way" from "JH" by Johnny House
"Waiting For Someone To Love" from "Nevada Winds" by Jerry Palmer
"Love Dog" from "Big Bad Sun" by Big Bad Sun
"When love greets you" from "Prospects" by Chris Juergensen
"Sleeping I Dreamed Love" from "Parlour Cornet Solos" by Julia Findon
"A Life of Love" from "Add Viola and Stir" by Katrina Wreede
"Free Love" from "Bullfrog" by Kettleblack
"Dog Shit and Puppy Love" from "Kettleblack" by Kettleblack
"Dog Shit and Puppy Love (instrumental)" from "Kettleblack (instrumental)" by Kettleblack
"Gator Love" from "Kaila Flexer and Friends, Original Music Inspired by Far-Flung Fiddle Traditions" by Kaila Flexer
"I'd Love to go on" from "No 3" by The Kokoon
"True Love" from "Hope" by Kendra Springer
"Gypsy Love" from "Hands Down" by Kyven
"City Love" from "Hands Down" by Kyven
"Higher Love (Full)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
"Higher Love (Radio)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
"Higher Love (Extended)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
"Higher Love (Instrumental)" from "The Singles" by Kyven
"Fight For Your Love" from "Summer 2014" by Kyven
"Stronger Love" from "Summer 2014" by Kyven
"Love Too Serious" from "Play Loud" by Lilly Wolf
"Love not fear (live)" from "The Green EP" by Liquid Rainbow
"Robot Love" from "The Indigo EP" by Liquid Rainbow
"Love Not Fear" from "Landscapes and Treasures" by Liquid Rainbow
"Living in Love" from "Hope and Dreams" by Lisa Lynne
"Light Of Love" from "Life is but a Dream" by Lisa Lynne
"Long for Love" from "New Morning" by Lisa Lynne
"Love and you and I" from "Love and you and I" by Lizzi
"I Will Give My Love An Apple" from "ForeignLander" by Lydia McCauley
"Fi Love" from "Can We Not Care" by Love Amplifier
"Fall In Love Wrong" from "What We Whisper" by Jeffrey Luck Lucas
"Spanish Love-Luke Gartner" from "Rouges and Lovers" by Luke Gartner-Brereton
"A Dream of New Love-Luke Gartner" from "Rouges and Lovers" by Luke Gartner-Brereton
"S-Love" from "LVX Nova" by LVX Nova
"Your Love Makes Me Beautiful" from "Return" by Linda Wood
"Monoide: First love" from "Electronica" by Magnatune Compilation
"Breath of Love (Suzanne Teng)" from "Music for Meditation" by Magnatune Compilation
"From Love 2 (Wicked Allstars)" from "Power Synths" by DJ Cary
"Love on Wheels" from "The Seventh Mirror" by Mandrake Root
"It's Your Sweet Love" from "An Evening With The Blues" by Mark Cook
"Demon of Love" from "Evolution of the Mind" by DJ Markitos
"Love Peace and Ecstasy" from "Inside Your Dreams" by DJ Markitos
"Analogue Love" from "Sequences of Life" by DJ Markitos
"Love Peace and Ecstasy (138 BPM Remix)" from "Slower Emotions-138 BPM Remixes" by DJ Markitos
"Come again- sweet love doth now invite (John Dowland)" from "Virtues and Vices" by Edward Martin and William Bastian
"Come again sweet love (John Dowland)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
"To ask for all thy love (John Dowland)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
"With my love my life was nestled (Thomas Morley)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
"What then is love but mourning (Philip Rosseter)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
"The seeds of love (trad)" from "The Last of Old England" by Jeni Melia
"My Love Hath Vowed (Thomas Campion)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake - music only" by Jeni Melia
"Can Love Be Controlled By Advice (John Gay Henry Purcell)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake - music only" by Jeni Melia
"My Love Hath Vowed (Thomas Campion)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
"Can Love Be Controlled By Advice (John Gay - Henry Purcell)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
"Love A Child (Wroth)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
"Say Love If Ever (John Dowland)--Jeni Melia Christopher Goodwin Kathryn Hamilton" from "Sister Awake" by Jeni Melia
"Come Away Come Sweet Love (John Dowland)" from "The Lost Art of Wooing" by Jeni Melia
"Shall I Come Sweet Love To Thee (Thomas Campion)" from "The Lost Art of Wooing" by Jeni Melia
"Stark Love" from "Mercy Machine" by Mercy Machine
"Easy to Love" from "Look for the Sunshine" by Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
"Love Me All the Time" from "TGIF" by Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
"Love These Blues" from "Time for Messin Around" by Mike Goudreau Jazz Band
"She Knows I Love Her" from "My Heart Is A Castle" by David Modica
"Love Knocks Gently" from "The Water is Wide" by David Modica
"About How Everything is Always Mixed on Love" from "Poems" by Mogilalia
"Love Above" from "Euphoric Magic" by Mokhov
"Echo Love" from "Future Hope" by Mokhov
"Love Gravity" from "Future Hope" by Mokhov
"Flicker of Love" from "Halcyon Days" by Mokhov
"Love Shine" from "Magic Times" by Mokhov
"Love Love Revolution" from "Massive Love" by Mokhov
"Super Love Gravity" from "Massive Love" by Mokhov
"Love Glow" from "Perfect Dream" by Mokhov
"Love Rising" from "Perfect Dream" by Mokhov
"First Love" from "Zeitpunkt" by Monoide
"One Year After First Love" from "Zeitpunkt" by Monoide
"One Love" from "Infomusication" by MRDC
"Write Me A Love Song" from "LA Can Wait" by Michael Tiernan
"Love and Commitment" from "Spaces" by Michael Tiernan
"Jaus of Love" from "Mutandina" by Mutandina
"Love Me" from "Disco Drama" by Neurobic
"Love Me (Alternative Mix)" from "Disco Drama" by Neurobic
"Logical Love" from "Guitar Music II" by Nigel Martin
"Learning Love" from "Recs" by Nathan Mathes
"Your Love Will Set Me Right" from "Roselawn" by Nathan Mathes
"Maybe We're In Love" from "Roselawn" by Nathan Mathes
"Tell Me How Much You Love Me" from "Roselawn" by Nathan Mathes
"I'm Your Little Love Bug" from "Richmond Motel Room 3" by Ninety Pounds of Ugly
"Makin' Love Easy" from "Music Elevator" by OTiS
"After Making Love" from "A Different Story" by Panic Ensemble
"Love Soup" from "Panic Ensemble" by Panic Ensemble
"Suspicious Love" from "3 Plus 5" by Park St Trio
"Come again sweeet love doth now invite (John Dowland)" from "English Renaissance Music" by La Primavera
"When Will Love Find Me" from "Driven" by The Ranchhands
"I Love Leonard Cohen" from "More Than Today" by Robin Grey
"I Love Leonard Cohen" from "Strangers With Shoes" by Robin Grey
"The Love Set- Yo m'enamori d'un aire:Buciumeana:The Wedding Song" from "Panta Rhei - Celtic and Mediterranean Music for Harp" by Diana Rowan
"Obligatory Love Song" from "Life Amongst the Static" by Robert Scott King
"Whales Love Song" from "Long Snows Moon" by Ryo Utasato
"Rising In Love" from "Seven Waves of Knowing" by Sambodhi Prem
"The Love Who Spied Me" from "Dive Volume 1" by Sandeep Bhandari
"Code Red Love Is Dead" from "Ramifications" by Seismic Anamoly
"Love Your Way" from "Coalizione del Volere" by The Seldon Plan
"Love Again" from "Making Circles" by The Seldon Plan
"I Had to Kill All I Love" from "Happiness Hurts Me" by Self Delusion
"If Music Be The Food Of Love (Henry Purcell)" from "Delicatessen" by Kate Semmens and Steven Devine
"Vampires Love" from "Transition" by Shino
"Tree Of Love" from "Second Sight" by Jami Sieber
"A Love Song for Humanity" from "Timeless_" by Jami Sieber
"Love's heavy burden" from "Romeo and Juliet" by SJ Pettersson
"What love can do" from "Romeo and Juliet" by SJ Pettersson
"Devil in Love" from "Flare" by Solar Cycle
"Polar Love" from "Sunlight" by Solar Cycle
"Love Drum" from "Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party" by Spoons
"Unpremeditated Love" from "Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party" by Spoons
"Love Can Be A Stranger" from "Unexpected Guest at a Cancelled Party" by Spoons
"No Love" from "Raptor" by SHE SAID SAVE ME
"This Impossible Love" from "This Impossible Love" by SHE SAID SAVE ME
"Love" from "Near You Always" by Sterling
"Love Song" from "Brave New World" by Sterling
"My Love Gave Me An Apple" from "Sitting on the windowsill of Heaven - Celia Harper" by Sulis
"Love Saves" from "Give Me a Perfect World" by Sun Palace
"O Leave Novils Ye Mauchline Belles My Love She's But A Lassie Yet" from "Between Late and Early - Romantic Songs of Robert Burns (1759-1796)" by Susan Rode Morris
"Love in their little veins inspires (from Timon of Athens) aria Z6323 (Henry Purcell)" from "Ohhh Henry! - Songs of Henry Purcell" by Susan Rode Morris
"Breath of Love" from "Enchanted Wind" by Suzanne Teng
"Lhasa Love" from "Mystic Journey" by Suzanne Teng
"Share Some Love" from "Tokyo507" by Tokyo507
"Tapestry of Love" from "Tokyo507" by Tokyo507
"Share Some Love (instrumental)" from "Tokyo507 Instrumental" by Tokyo507
"A Fool in Love" from "Empty Man" by Tom Paul
"When I Think about Love" from "It's Only Tuesday" by Tom Paul
"Show Love" from "Fading Blue" by Tonethief
"For Your Love" from "Ohio Sessions, July to September" by The Town Monster
"Love Sweet Love" from "Goin' My Way" by Ty Gibson
"Magic of Love" from "Mystical Spirit" by Vasily Boykov
"Love redux" from "Versions" by Version
"Smell of Love" from "Evil Must Die" by My Woshin Mashin
"My Love Looks the Other Way" from "Bitter Circus" by William Brooks
"A Boy Outta Love" from "Fowl Mouth" by William Brooks
"From Love 2" from "Dark Clouds" by Wicked Allstars
"If Love's a Sweet Passion (from The Fairy Queen) (Henry Purcell arr J Jeffrey)" from "Fairest Isle" by Wildcat Viols
"If Love Finds Me" from "Dusty Porch" by John Williams
"Frozen Love" from "Cyst" by The Wretch
"I'm In Love" from "Moonrise" by Yongen
"Love Song in G" from "Handshake Smiles" by Arthur Yoria
"Graveyard of Love (instrumental)" from "The Young Werewolves (Instrumental)" by The Young Werewolves
"Graveyard of Love" from "The Young Werewolves" by The Young Werewolves
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