Your search for "ensemble" found 16 items:
16 artists:
Ensemble Al Asdeka
: spicy and hypnotic melding of Arabic and Jazz
Da Camera
: Celtic Renaissance/Baroque Ensemble
Ensemble Carpe Diem
: Early music featuring Italian affetti from Switzerland
Ensemble Electra
: electrifying music from the Italian Baroque
Farallon Recorder Quartet
: renaissance recorder ensemble
The Kingsbury Ensemble
: masterpieces that graced the courts of Europe, played with style and passion
Ensemble Libro Primo
: A fantastic classical violin and lute duo interpreting Baroque composers
Middle-Earth Ensemble
: sultry and percussive Mid-East fusion
Ensemble Mirable
: rare and extraordinary music of the Baroque
Panic Ensemble
: cabaret infused rock band mixing folk and world
The Sarasa Ensemble
: Lively, bright Baroque
Simplicissimus Ensemble
: 17th and 18th century classical music on period instruments
Music of the Spheres
: small Baroque chamber ensemble
Altri Stromenti
: 17th century baroque ensemble
Ensemble Vermillian
: Richly textured 17th and 18th century cello and recorder
: Early Music vocal ensemble
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