Your search for "handel" found 7 items:
7 songs:
"Silent worship (GF Handel A Somervell)" from "
I sing of a maiden that matchless is
" by
English Ayres
"Suite in Fa Major (Adagio) - George Frideric Handel" from "
Elegance and Refinement - Baroque Suites, French Sweets
" by
Ivan Ilic
"Suite in Fa Major (Allegro) - George Frideric Handel" from "
Elegance and Refinement - Baroque Suites, French Sweets
" by
Ivan Ilic
"Suite in Fa Major (Adagio) - George Frideric Handel" from "
Elegance and Refinement - Baroque Suites, French Sweets
" by
Ivan Ilic
"Suite in Fa Major (Allegro - Fugue) - George Frideric Handel" from "
Elegance and Refinement - Baroque Suites, French Sweets
" by
Ivan Ilic
"Sonnerie- Handel Sonata No 2 in G minor (Allegro)" from "
" by
Magnatune Compilation
"Sonnerie - from Handel Trio Sonatas" from "
Romantic Dinner Classical Compilation
" by
Magnatune Compilation
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