Your search for "italian" found 8 items:
8 songs:
"Italian Ground (Orlando Gibbons)" from "
Grounds for Pleasure
" by
Colin Booth
"The Italian Job" from "
" by
Daniel Bautista
"Andante from Italian Concerto BWV 971 (Johann Sebastian Bach)" from "
JS Bach on 8 string guitar, vol 2
" by
Daniel Estrem
"Divisions upon an Italian Ground (Robert Carr)" from "
Classical Ukulele Volume 2
" by
Daniel Estrem
"Presto from Italian Concerto (Johann Sebastian Bach)" from "
Bach and His Teachers
" by
Paul Boehnke
"Allegro from Italian Concerto (Johann Sebastian Bach)" from "
Bach and His Teachers
" by
Paul Boehnke
"Andante from Italian Concerto (Johann Sebastian Bach)" from "
Bach and His Teachers
" by
Paul Boehnke
"Italian Ground (Giovanni Battista Draghi (d 1708))" from "
" by
Pellingmans' Saraband
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