Your search for "reggae" found 28 items:
28 matches in artist bios:
Almaghrib: Relaxed pop and reggae music made in Italy
Ash Ganley: masterfully nuanced AAA rock
Burning Babylon: Super fine dub
Beat Under Control: jazz/dub intense electro funk
Blue Wave Theory: high-energy surf-inspired instrumental rock
Brigitte Meuwsen: positive vibe electro pop
The Celtic Reggae Revolution: Saint Patrick was Jamaican! Reggae's Irish Connections
Chad Farran: an impressive journey through Latin rhythms and moves
Connor B Fitz: a one man indie project - half shy romantic hermit, half loud obnoxious rocker
Conway Hambone: Multi-genre instrumental and vocal conquests made with love and fuzz
Eliyahu Sills: cross-cultural grooves
Funkinchely: Experimental Funk with hints of exotic beats and world grooves
Hollywood Drunks: a swirling vortex of Rock, Funk, Rap,and Alternative
iNTROSPEKT: intelligent, varied, beat-driven electronica.
Kalotone: Melodic Dubstep and Heavy Electronic Stimulation
Kenji Williams: ambient/IDM with a dash of dub
Kiwi: world roots soul music
The Lost Mode: medieval music meets living modal music traditions
Matt Rusin: Experimental Electro Blues at its Finest
The Raindoggs: beat-heavy, darkened mix of R'n'B and Soul
Ras Tilo: dub, reggae, hip hop and world music from the heart
Soundami: a tsunami of high energy electronic sound
Super Hi-Fi: Trombone-fueled hard Afro-Dub from Brooklyn!
Svara: New music from the whole world
Ty Gibson: The Spirit and Soul of A Woman!
Version: Electro-Reggae-Blues.
Wavebuffet: jazzy eclectic and elegant dancefloor friendly electronica
Wet City Rockers: rootsy, dubby, Reggae sounds from the rainy city
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