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Your search for "spanish" found 21 items:

21 songs:

  • "Spanish Banks" from "Crow" by Norine Braun
  • "Sensual Spanish Waltz" from "Sonic Graffiti" by Ben Rusch
  • "Spanish brass - fury" from "The Art of Not Blending In" by Burnshee Thornside
  • "Spanish Dance no 2 (Oriental) (Enrique Granados)" from "Colors of Spain" by Daniel Estrem
  • "Spanish Dance no 4 (Villanesca) (Enrique Granados)" from "Colors of Spain" by Daniel Estrem
  • "La Vida Breve (Spanish Dance no 1) (Manuel de Falla)" from "Colors of Spain" by Daniel Estrem
  • "The Spanish Pavan" from "Josep i Maria (Spanish and Catalan Folksongs and Villancicos for Christmas)" by Galliarda
  • "Hume A Spanish Humour" from "Josep i Maria (Spanish and Catalan Folksongs and Villancicos for Christmas)" by Galliarda
  • "Spanish Entree and Saraband" from "Josep i Maria (Spanish and Catalan Folksongs and Villancicos for Christmas)" by Galliarda
  • "Stella Splendens (Spanish - 13th Cen)" from "Dolce Musica - A Contemplative Journey" by Healing Muses
  • "The Spanish Pavin (anon)" from "Blame Not My Lute" by Jacob Heringman
  • "Secret Lovers in A Spanish Castle" from "Passions and Fantasies for Solo Piano" by Joel Bruce Wallach
  • "Spanish Lullabies" from "Bad Things Happen All The Time" by John Jackson
  • "Spanish Love-Luke Gartner" from "Rouges and Lovers" by Luke Gartner-Brereton
  • "Neophilia (spanish version)" from "Explode Into Space" by Rebel Rebel
  • "Wild Women (spanish version)" from "Explode Into Space" by Rebel Rebel
  • "Summer of Sex (spanish version)" from "Explode Into Space" by Rebel Rebel
  • "We Are The Future (spanish version)" from "Explode Into Space" by Rebel Rebel
  • "Op 14 Spanish song" from "Forget Me Not" by Gerard Satamian
  • "Spanish eyes" from "The Early Middle Years" by Tone Dogs
  • "Spanish ballad" from "Guitarscapes" by Jeff Wahl

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