Your search for "lute" found 225 items:
20 artists:
Alex McCartney
: Reflective, historically-informed performance on the lute
Paul Beier
: solo lute of the Italian renaissance.
Paul Berget
: renaissance lute, modernized.
Alison Crum and Roy Marks
: Ethereal, enigmatic and exhilarating renaissance miniature masterpieces for viol and lute
Daniel Shoskes
: A feast of Baroque lute
show all 20 artists
17 albums:
I Cavalieri del Liuto - The Knights of the Lute
" by
Paul Beier
JS Bach on the Lute
" by
Paul Berget
The Siena Manuscript on renaissance lute
" by
Paul Berget
Patrons of the Lute
" by
Daniel Shoskes
Renaissance Lute
" by
Ed Durbrow
show all 17 albums
18 songs:
"Tristre dolent plain de pensee - lute (anon)" from "
Un Tres Doulx Regard
" by
"Tant plus vos voy tant plus me sembles belle - lute (anon)" from "
Un Tres Doulx Regard
" by
"Amours venes mon cuer reconforter - lute (anon)" from "
Un Tres Doulx Regard
" by
"Lute intro (Antoine Busnoys)" from "
For the Love of Jaqueline
" by
"Lute Incipit" from "
Soyes Loyal
" by
show all 18 songs
86 collections:
Composer: Gilles Binchois
Composer: Guillaume Dufay
Composer: Jacobus Vide
Composer: Johannes le Grant
show all 86 collections
43 matches in artist bios:
Alex McCartney
: Reflective, historically-informed performance on the lute
: Alternative / Downtempo / Electro-pop
: late-medieval vocal and instrumental music
Paul Beier
: solo lute of the Italian renaissance.
Paul Berget
: renaissance lute, modernized.
show all 43 matches in artist bios
41 information pages:
High-Res Photos of our Artists for the Press
"Live From Covent Garden" Concert Featuring Lutenist Paul Beier
Magnatune: renaissance gamba, new age cello & guitar, pop, ambient
Magnatune: five new albums
show all 41 information pages
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