Magnatune : we are not evil Free trial: only \$15 per month
Your search for "song of the day" found 111 items:

52 collections:

  • Chillout
  • World Electronic
  • Arabic influenced
  • Happy Hour
  • World Influenced
  • [show all 52 collections]

    20 matches in artist bios:

  • chILL: grunge driven rock mixed with modern metal
  • Firesphere: Big epic dark heavy and soul shaking
  • Ceremony of Darkness: Step into the darkness and surround yourself in intense rock
  • Dave Preston: intense ambient guitar over a sonic kaleidoscope
  • Trip Wamsley: Atmospheric Jazz bass
  • [show all 20 matches in artist bios]

    39 information pages:

  • Internet Music Provider Magnatune Partners with Shared-Playlist Site Webjay
  • Magnatune: Amy Denio's avant-rock, classical guitar, crooner jazz, hybrid ambient
  • Ironic jazz, Handel on Guitar, Couperin Harpsichord, and Hard Electronica
  • Magnatune: a typically unusual mix of genres
  • Magnatune: Ehren Starks piano, Headroom Project, fantasy Ambient, tribal world music
  • [show all 39 information pages]

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